My amazing readers :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Class of 2016 babbbyyyyyy

Well.. in about 10 more days I will finally be able to call myself a Senior! All the hardwork has finally paid off & I couldn't be happier.. the never ending 12 years is finally coming to a close.. but i'm not going to waste away my Senior year. You best believe i'm going to make it something I cheerish for a life time! It's crazy to even think that this time next year.. I will be about a week from graduating!!! How crazyyyy... to be honest I don't even know if i'm ready to.. I mean what's it going to feel like packing up my stuff and moving to college.. not being home every night and seeing my family.. I'm afraid that the friends I have made throughout highschool will become a faint memory... I'm so excited to see where God takes me throughout this journey yet at the same time.. Nervous. My senior year I plan to blog a lot more... giving yall the first person insight into my senior year.. I want to capture the memories and hey maybe even share them with you all! I pray to God that I don't wish away my life quickly.. These 12 years have not been easy and more importantly Junior year has not been easy! Such a challenging grade... so much more effort has to be put in and honestly I think I have worked my butt off to be where I am today! Well.. with the help of God, family, and friends toooo of course! :) I hope to look back on this one day and let myself never forget all the good times I shared and to never.. EVER forget the ones who mean the most to me..I'm so excited to see what plans God has instore for me! Whether it be what career I will choose..or even where the wind may take me...! All my life i've wanted to be a nurse.. and who knows! I may very well become a nurse.. but I met someone Junior year that completly impacted my life.. A teacher of mine.. She has taught me the true defintion of an amazing teacher.. She inspires me and so many ways & has truly helped me out ! There was a time during my Junior year.. not to long ago actually where a good friend of mine passed away.. well she helped not only me but our entire class to get back on our feet again.. and I could never thank her enough. I would love to one day inspire someone in the way that she has inspired me.. I would love to be someone that an individual looks up to for guidance.. Who knows.. we will just have to wait a couple years and see where life takes me... ! It's going to be a crazy ride.. but theres no doubt about it .. I'm up for it!

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